Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Daily Routine

For anyone who wonders, my day begins and ends with a certain thing: Respiratory therapy and Beckman Oral Therapy. Here's a glimpse at both. The Spanish version of this explains everything, I made it a year ago... If you are interested, you may check it out in my videos (check the upper menu). This 2011 version is to show you all what I do in the morning, and how much time the whole process takes after you are used to it. Enjoy!

Part 1: Respiratory Therapy
I wake up at 7:00AM and I get an hour of percussion, followed by CPT (as needed). After that hour, in which I get percussion vibrations on all quadrants of my chest (two in front, two in my back), I get cough assist and deep suction (3 sets of 5 rounds of cough assist, the suction is before and after and as needed).

Part 2: Beckman Oral Therapy
When my official respiratory therapy is over, I get some serious mouth muscles exercises. Usually it takes 15 minutes.

After all this, I get a bath and get all glammed up. So each morning I am ready to face the world after a two-hour preparation.

All this process is repeated at night, starting at 8:00PM. The only difference is that I change the bath for my bedtime prayers, and then get ready for bed. When my goggles cover my eyes I know there is no turning back, it's sleeping time!

And there you have it, instant healthy and ready for action diva!

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