Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Well, I'll have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so hopefully we'll get to see if baby is a boy or a girl... If it doesn't insist on being de culo! LOL One of the tests showed up with a twins hint but it just cannot be, until now all we've been seeing is just one fetus. Labs and errors... Still I guess that the doc will send me for more testings, again. Today had brown rice, roast beef and beans, and it somehow skyrocketed my sugar levels to 198... Just great... Sugar has been fine until now, and just today will earn my doc getting bitchy tomorrow... And that's the news for now...

What to expect this week... Let's see... (information from www.whattoexpect.com)

Body: The Linea Nigra (and Other Skin Discolorations)
That dark line that runs between your belly button and your pubic area is caused by the same pregnancy hormones that cause all the skin discolorations you might be noticing.Yes, the baby you're expecting is cozily ensconced in your abdomen — yet, by now you've probably noticed that pregnancy affects you head to toe, and pretty much everywhere in between. Your head is fuzzy (this is your brain…this is your brain on progesterone), and your toes (well, your feet, at least) are growing. Stretch marks are blooming in vibrant shades of pink and purple on pretty much every available surface of skin and…wait! What's that funky dark line running down the center of your belly? Believe it or not, it's called the "dark line" — or as your practitioner likes to call it, linea nigra. A common emblem of pregnancy (more noticeable in darker skinned women), the linea nigra, which runs between your belly button and your pubic area, is caused by the same pregnancy hormones that cause all the skin discolorations you might be noticing. Like the darker shade of your areolas. And the deeper tone of the freckles on your arms and legs. Some women (again, more often darker-skinned ones) notice discoloration on the face too, especially in the area around the nose, forehead, cheeks, and eyes. It's called the mask of pregnancy (or chloasma) because it appears as a mask-like configuration on the face. Rest assured, you won't be playing masquerade for much longer. All these skin discolorations will fade within a few months after delivery. In the meantime, bring on the concealer (though not the bleaching creams, which won't work anyway).

Baby: All Systems Growing...
At eight inches and slightly over a pound, your baby is the size and shape of a small doll. You've probably heard your baby's heartbeat through a Doppler a number of times, but by now you can also hear it through a standard stethoscope. What a heart throb! At eight inches and slightly over a pound, your baby is the size and shape of a small doll. (But then, you already knew that you were carrying a living doll, didn't you?) This week marks the beginning of some serious weight gain. Your baby's weight in the next four weeks alone should double (and you may feel as though yours is too). You have probably heard your baby's heartbeat through a Doppler a number of times already (though you never get tired of hearing it), but by now you can also hear it through a standard stethoscope. What a heart throb! Your baby's skin is reddish in color now because of the developing blood vessels underneath (remember, the skin is very thin still). It also hangs loosely from his or her little body at this point. That's because the skin grows faster than the fat develops. But don't worry. By the time your baby is born, he or she will be pleasantly plump and filled out — from chubby cheeks to chubby toes.

Food: Eating Well on a Budget
Counting your pennies doesn't have to mean scrimping on nutrition .Worried that your healthy new diet is going to break the bank — just when you need every penny? Not to worry. You can eat royally without spending like a queen; in fact, with a little forethought, you can eat low-cost meals and snacks that are even more wholesome than their pricier alternatives. 1.Balk at brand loyalty. Store brands and no-frills products may not seduce you with pretty packaging, but who cares? (Were you planning to use that cereal box as a centerpiece?) They're likely to have inner beauty to match their attractive price tags; check the labels and you'll see they boast as much nutrition as the bigger brands. From juice and yogurt to bread and snacks, nearly every kind of packaged food (including the whole-grain ones) comes in a generic version, and you'll find an abundance of options in the cereal and frozen food aisles. And here's a little-known secret: In many instances, the store brand is actually a name brand with a store label, so you may be buying the exact same bread you have known and loved — but for a lot less dough. 2. Brown-bag it. Bringing your lunch to work is win-win — you can feed that little bundle in your belly and save a bundle, too. Just do the math: You could spend between five and ten dollars on a take-out sandwich, side, and soft drink (and you don't know quite what you're getting), but the sandwich wrap you made from leftover roast chicken and veggies costs a fraction of that (and water from the cooler is free). Pack your wrap with a wedge of cheese and a piece of fruit, and you're good to go (without going to the deli come lunchtime). Brown-bag often enough and you could save hundreds of dollars by the time your baby is born — a great first deposit in the college fund! 3.Bulk up. By the case or by the pound, buying in quantity can save you big bucks. Seek out economy sizes of whatever is available — from meat you can freeze (why not cook it all first so you have ready-made meals?), to cereals, canned goods, and juice. But make sure your eyes aren't bigger than your stomach — a crate of sweet potatoes may look like a sweet deal, unless they grow roots long before you can bake them. 4. Opt for H2O. The cheapest drink on the menu? Water. It's also the best choice for you and your baby. You can save dollars a day (not to mention considerable empty calories) by sacrificing the fancier drinks. In most cases, no need to buy bottled. Most tap water is safe to drink (but make sure first that there's no lead in your pipes or the water supply). To be extra safe, buy a filter for your tap or use filtered pitchers for your water. You can also make the most of your juice dollars by buying frozen concentrate instead of refrigerated cartons and reconstituting the concentrate with water. 5.Forgo the convenience factor. The introduction of frozen TV dinners revolutionized the way America eats, and not necessarily for the better. While plentiful, these quick-prep options often come with a significant price tag — not to mention the price you can pay in unhealthy additives and excesses in fat, sodium, and sugar. Same goes for bottled salad dressings, sauces, and just about anything marked "instant." Save time and money by making big batches of your own meals and freezing them in individual servings. Dress your salads on the cheap and on the fly by whipping together a delicious dressing from extra-virgin olive oil (also available in bulk, but the shelf life is short), Dijon mustard, and fresh lemon juice (store it in an old mayonnaise jar in the fridge). Take the time (it's only five minutes!) to cook real oatmeal instead of popping those sugary packets into the microwave. You'll save yourself money (and buy your baby a healthier breakfast).

Breathe Deep: Relax
Now's a great time to learn some soothing relaxation techniques — not just because they can help you cope with pregnancy worries, but because they'll come in handy in your life as a new mom Is your growing bundle of joy making you a quivering bundle of nerves? Breathe, Baby! (Yeah, you!) Now's a great time to learn some soothing relaxation techniques — not just because they can help you cope with pregnancy worries (and sooner than you think, with labor contractions), but because they'll come in handy in your life as a new mom (as when the baby's on a crying marathon, your spouse is working late, you just burned the last clean pot, and your mother's on the phone…again). Yoga's a fabulous de-stresser, if you have time to take a class (plus it can help you learn how to focus on breathing, something we too often just do ). But here's a technique you can use just about anywhere, anytime, to soothe your soul. Sit with your eyes closed and imagine a beautiful, peaceful scene (a sunset over your favorite beach, waves gently lapping the shore; a serene mountain vista, complete with babbling brook). Then, working your way up from your toes to your face, concentrate on relaxing every muscle. Breathe slowly, deeply, only through your nose and choose a simple word (such as yes or one) to repeat aloud every time you exhale. Ten to 20 minutes should do the trick, though even a minute or two is better than nothing. Hey, wake up!!

For Dad: The Fire This Time
At this stage of the game your wife just might enjoy sex more than she ever has. The rumors are true: At this stage of the game your wife just might enjoy sex more than she ever has. Her genitals are swollen with hormones and blood, and the nerves "down there" are seemingly on fire. Ask her if she's up for seduction, and if so, go for it — but go slow (read: don't lay into the entrée until you've served up a round or two of appetizers), be playful, and most of all, be appreciative. Let her know how sexy she is to you right now, and how wonderful her body feels to you. As always, don't go anywhere without a green light — the roadmap of what feels good and what doesn't may have changed (even since last week). And go easy on those giant breasts — they still could be very tender now, as they are stretched to their earthly limits.

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